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Drama Projects for the Middle School Classroom
Age Level: All Ages Cast: Time:
This valuable resource book provides alternative ways for students to develop unique drama-related skills. All of the sixteen chapters contain an objective, overview, project timeline, idea variations, tips and tricks, fun facts and more. Each of the projects can take from one to five class periods depending on how much time the teacher wants to devote to a particular topic. Most of the projects can be modified to be an individual or group activity. Several chapters include worksheets for students to complete on their own or as a group. These projects are adaptable – if the original idea doesn’t grab you, each project has a list of ideas to "add on" or suggestions on how you can vary the project to suit your needs. A great addition to any classroom that wants to provide new and different ways to develop drama-related skills.
(96 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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