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Famous Fantasy Character Monologs
Starring the Not-So-Wicked Witch and more
Age Level: All Ages Cast: Time:
The Boogeyman is afraid of the dark! The Tooth Fairy hates her job! The Wicked Witch isn’t really so wicked! One hundred fantasy monologs reveal what characters like Cinderella and Captain Hook might really say if given the chance. It’s fun, it’s cool, and it’s offbeat to portray the "other side of the story" of these famous fantasy characters. Each monolog in this theatre text is delightfully preposterous and hilariously different. Fifty guys and fifty girls can choose the fantasy character of their choice. How does scissor-happy Rapunzel really feel about her long, long hair? Who is this not-so-jolly Santa Claus? And is Little Red Riding Hood a secret agent? A wide selection of monologs for classroom use, contests, or as part of a variety show.
(144 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
See a book trailer for Famous Fantasy Character Monologues
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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