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Five Comedy Sketches
Age Level: Middle Grades to High School Cast: 2 to 5 players each skit Time: 3 to 5 minutes each
These five zany new skits are topical as well as timely. Great classroom material. Includes: 1. The P.C. Mart — A new clerk learns to bag a politically correct sack of groceries. 2. The Mosquito — Swatting one brings on an attack from an animal rights activist. 3. Fashion Sense — In a beauty contest, politicians model the latest conservative and liberal styles. 4. The Teacher — A cop writes his former teacher a ticket, only to have his spelling corrected. 5. The Stothing Clore — Three tongue-twisted customers drive a clerk batty.
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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