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Five TV Parody Skits
Age Level: All Ages Cast: Varies, 4 to 6 players each skit, mixed Time: 3 to 5 minutes each
These five short comedy TV skits are written for stage but can be adapted to TV taping, radio taping or Readers Theatre. Included are: 1. Gypardy — When Alex Payback asks impossible questions, the contestants fight back. 2. Language Arts Law — The English Department puts a student on trial for missing homework. 3. American Gladiator Housewives — Aproned contestants must cook, clean and iron while fighting with gladiator brats. 4. Lifestyles of the Drab and Ridiculous — Leech travels to your town to interview the drabbest person west of the Atlantic. 5. Star Schmeck — A silly alien thwarts the plans of Capt. Quirk, Slock and Scooty.
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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