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The Trial of Amanda Marie Locks or How Goldilocks Contempts the Court
Age Level: Middle Grades to High School Cast: 7M, 7W Time: About 30 minutes
Ms. Amanda Marie Locks, known to some as "Goldie," stands accused of two charges: breaking and entering, and destruction of private property. The prosecuting and defense attorneys call many familiar storyland characters as witnesses during the trial: Mr. and Mrs. Bare and their son, Winthrop; Hazel, a witch; Harry Chester Wolfe, better known as "Duke;" Phoebe Florsheim, who lives in a shoe; Grumpy, a dwarf; Clara Muffet, tuffet tester; and Jack Dudley Klump, bean farmer. Each gives conflicting testimony, and the result is courtroom chaos defying justice. But it’s all in fun. Silly business designed for laughs and a chance for many to participate.
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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