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The Ultimate Young Actors Guide
Age Level: Middle Grades to High School Cast: Time:
Current producer/director and former Disney film screenwriter Cindy Marcus offers all of her experience to young actors seeking a career or just wanting to land a role in the school play. She has directed a national teenage drama camp known as Showdown for over ten years, inspiring young actors to reach their full potential. The techniques of how to audition, how to approach a role, how to survive the rehearsal process, and more are all explained in detail. But most important to Cindy is self-exploration: knowing who you are. This is done through insights from many famous actors and directors. To fully integrate what is learned, there are theatre games to play in every chapter relating to each aspect of acting technique. Chapters include: Who Are You?, Sense and Sense-ability, Auditioning, You Got the Part!, Cindy’s Approach to a Role, Acting from the Outside In, Acting through Song, Acting through Dance, Rehearsals, Performance, and more. An invaluable resource for aspiring young actors.
(128 pages, 5½ x 8½, paperback)
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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