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Two Radio Comedy Spoofs
Age Level: Middle Grades to High School Cast: 10 to 25 each, mixed Time: 15 minutes each
Includes: 1. Jack and the Beansprout — Jack sells the family cow for a handful of beans. The beans grow into a tall vine, which Jack climbs to get to the castle of the Giant. Before he recovers the hen that lays golden eggs, he’s caught up in a zany variety radio show full of goofy characters. 2. The Emperor’s New Wardrobe — Two “dream spinners” trick Emperor Butterball into buying a wardrobe that they claim is visible only to the wise and competent. Butterbean, the emperor’s daughter, tells her father he’s wearing only his shorts. Full of funny lines and silly sound effects.
This title is now carried by Pioneer Drama Service. Click here to order on Pioneer's web site.
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